Your blog can advance the conversations you have with your customers, and help them customers get better value out of your products. Coming up with blog topics is quite easy. You already know what it is they need to know and they often don’t. Just start paying attention to the conversations you’re having -- and the points that you’re trying to communicate.
You can strengthen your value proposition through sharing valuable information. Even better, you can share valuable info that increases demand for your products. Even better than that, you could share useful info that increases the demand for your product and makes the reader understand you and makes the reader feel understood, thus strengthening your relationship -- and the customer’s loyalty to you and your brand.
View your blog as an ongoing relationship-building exercise. Its organic and attuned to the present moment, telling your story as it unfolds. Include your readers in your adventures and your plans. Give them a place within the story. Give them a chance to make the story about them. There is nothing the human mind is more interested in than its own self so indulge them. Once you start talking about them, they can’t stop listening.
Here are some easy-to-implement strategies for coming up with blog topics:
1. Create a list of the top questions you get from prospective clients.
Use each question as its own blog article. These posts will serve to answer the common questions of your customers, and thus advance the conversation into something more productive for you and for them.
2. Make a list of various “Resources” and helpful websites in your industry
You can either do“list” type posts with brief descriptions of each resource or you can do entire posts on one resource and its usefulness.
3. Put together a “Glossary of Terms” that are relevant to your industry
There is probably enough technical jargon in your fieldthat you could write several blog posts to help your customersnavigate your industry. People like to sound smart, so these types ofposts can make readers feel like they’re really getting somethingout of it.
4. Keep your audience updated on upcoming events in your industry
You probably have an inside scoop on the going-ons in your industry. If any of that is useful to your clients, write a blog post about the useful parts. Part of the value in blogging is saving your readers the time of sifting through heaps of irrelevant info, just to find the useful stuff.
5. Share client success stories/case studies that summarize how you helped the client
Readers will see themselves in those stories. It becomes more relevant to humans when you add a human element to the picture. This also makes it easier to see the benefits your product or service offers. Note: use wording that makes the client, not your brand, seen as the hero of the story. It's about what they did with your product, not about what you did for them. This is as simple as rewording every sentence that involves “we”, “I”, or the name of your company. Change Products & Co saved the day for Joe-the-guy-next-door to Joe-the-guy-next-door saved the day by seizing the opportunity this one product provides and experiencing these amazing new abilities. They say the same thing, but the first way sounds like a boast (yawn) and the second way is an exciting story.
6. Help your customers make informed decisions by sharing your expertise
You could provide a buying decision checklist for products/services similar to your business. Or, you could let them know what their other options are, and give them an expert opinion on the viability of each. Since your customers know that you’re potentially selling somebody else’s product in order to help them, they come to understand that you’re not interested in ripping them off. They also come to view you as ago-to source of credible information, and will think of you first in the future.
7. Keep your audience up-to-date on emerging trends in your industry
Again,you probably have a lot of insight. Share the parts that are relevan to your customers. As was already mentioned, people love to sound knowledgeable. On top of that, keeping them in the loop keeps them involved in the conversations that feature your business. It also helps them feel connected. This is good for familiarity, good for relationships, good for positioning yourself as a reliable source of expertise, and good for making them think of you first when it comes to your field.
8. Write a blog article about a new product/service that you launch
This is as straightforward as it gets. It's basically a commercial, but you’re speaking directly to highly qualified leads. You’re using a channel of communication that they already value and the message is coming from somebody that they feel already understands their needs and interests.
To avoid the feel of an advertisement, you can speak of your new product as solution. Share the problems that you’ve been seeing, that you know they’re tired of dealing with -- the same problems that your new product solves. Define the problem, define the pain it causes and discuss what a potential solution could look like. Then share abrief story about the creation of that product. Finally, show them exactly how it does what its supposed to do and describe the value it provides so they can clearly see that they can’t afford not to have it.
9. Dispell myths and misconceptions
Write about the top myths in your industry or about your brand or product. Write about the common false assumptions laymen make to their own detriment. Clear things up for people. Ideally, dispelling misconceptions will also help them to better understand the value you can provide.
Valuable blog content is easy and natural if you’re already qualified to speak on a subject. You’ve been building expertise for years. By publishing it on a blog, you can share that info with thousands of people, and all you have to do is create the post one time. The frequent addition of industry words and terms that are relevant to your industry and your business will make your website more prominent on search engines. More importantly, valuable content will make people seek you out as an authority in your domain.